- Bruketa & Žinić OM LLC
- Bunch
- Cavarpayer
- Continental film
- Crveni nosevi – klaunovi doktori
- Drap
- Dhar media
- Digitel
- Digitel komunikacije
- Erste Bank
- Erste Card Club
- Everet Zagreb
- Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje
- Farenheit
- Gabrić
- Galkol KFT
- Ghetaldus
- Gingernet
- Glaxo Smith & Kline
- Golf & Country club Zagreb
- Grad Dubrovnik
- Grad Jastrebarsko
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- GREY Zagreb
- Hotel Dubrovnik
- Hrvatska agencija za malo gospodarstvo i investicije
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- Hrvatski liječnički zbor
- Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo
- Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika
- HUAWEI technologies
- Igepa plana papiri
- Iločki podrumi
- IMAGO reklamana agencija
- Jako vino
- Jasno i glasno
- King ICT
- Kuharić Matoš
- Laboratorium 360
- Lantea grupa
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- Millenium promocija
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- Optimapharm
- Optima telekom
- Organizacija
- ORYX Grupa
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- Pixell
- Pokobar
- Proximity
- Rambool Denmark
- Red point
- Reuters Hrvatska
- RTL Hrvatska
- Salveo
- Sandoz
- Skiper hoteli
- Sportina
- STYRIA Hrvatska
- Studio Hendrih
- Studio Sudar
- Studio za arhitekturu
- Tekstil promet
- Terraneo
- Tim kabel
- Tom Tailor
- Sedam IT
- Udruga SVE ZA NJU
- Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata
- UNEX grupa
- Večernji list
- Večernji list mediji
- Veleučilište Varaždin
- Villa Dubrovnik
- Vuković i Runjić
- 24 SATA
About Us
‘It cannot be done!’ is yucky, it sounds bad and it’s depressing! We detest that statement and have been fighting it as best as we can.
Since we are not a publishing company, but a friend, a partner, a support and a shoulder to cry on, feel free to bring us your kinky prepress, nebulous finishing, microscopic editions, absurd materials and crazy deadlines.
We can do everything, and what we cannot do – we will. Because we don’t print, we bring solutions.
“Cerovski print boutique is a printing house you can trust and that has the beautiful and rare quality of finding solutions, not problems. Attentive and fast printing house, that, like us, regards the final product and its best performance extremely important.”
Danijela Delić
IMAGO reklamna agencija“It is an extreme pleasure to work with Cerovski print boutique. Always all on time and for a reasonable sum of money!”
Mateo Paleka
Organizacija d.o.o.“Cerovski print boutique is our long standing partner in the truest sense of the word. No matter what time we call or with what crazy requests and deadlines, cheerful and professional Cerovski team always jumps in and helps us solve our troubles and dilemmas. They are definitely one of our favorite partners because they complete every project superbly and professionally and we are always glad to come back to them and to recommend their services to the others. Not to forget delivered materials that are always perfectly made, on fine papers and excellent print so that we always save them as benchmark for the next idea. In short, Cerovski see you soon!”
Lina Komar
Studio Hendrih d.o.o.“Few years ago, when we sent our first pdf document to Cerovski Print Boutique, we were thrilled with the technical capabilities of the printing press (HP Indigo called Frenki). We fell in love with its full tones and prints more delicate than serious offset copies. What we found even more thrilling is the post press production and the commitment of the personnel with delicate products such as personalisation, foil stamping, laminating and other demanding post press processes. The bigger demands we set, they surprised us with the quality and success of the final product. We knocked on their door once and now we have no need to look for another partner (when it comes to printing).”
Siniša Sudar
Studio Sudar“JGL cooperates with Cerovski for more than five years. Above all, we are pleased with the flexibility, promptness and proactive approach of the entire team, as well as the general level of printing services. In the communication process, through their self-initiative suggestions our work is made easier, all with a goal of improving the service and satisfaction on both sides. The quality of all Cerovski print materials is excellent, and we are especially pleased with personalisation capabilities of certain products. Finally, we must point out the extremely warm and friendly relationship with the Cerovski team that adds value to our cooperation.”
Dea Demić
Jadran Galenski Laboratorij“Cerovski Print Boutique is, because of the unquestionable quality of the service, and because of the exceptional affability of the entire team, one of our favorite partners / friends / associates. Extremely friendly and professional approach contributes to the their high-quality relationship with clients. With knowledge and experience they, in shortest possible period of time, carry out our many, sometimes even impossible requests.
We are confident that our good cooperation and above all brilliant relationship will continue in the future. Keep up the good work.”Tajana Čonka
Iskon“Friendship between Unex group and Cerovski print boutique lasts for many years and, as in life, it is based on big and small things that can be shared with trust.”
Maša Ivanov
Unex group“For many years I’ve been hearing about digital printing and its great possibilities. From the publishing house’s perspective, that prints over 300.000 newspapers every day, we could not include digital printing into our primary production process (we are still on rotary presses). Despite that, the Cerovski print boutique team has broadened our horizons and we have achieved successful collaboration on the Redbook book project, where they have transferred the creativity of our agency via digital printing to the paper demonstrating all its possibilities. For this collaboration we won the second place at the “HP Indigo digital printing contest.” Incredible flexibility, energy, professionalism and knowledge have attracted us to collaborate with Cerovski print boutique and in them we have found long-term partners.”
Dalibor Pinjuh,
Styria Hrvatska“I love Cerovski because they are fair, punctual, fast, reliable, friendly, cool… and the fastest on 100 meters!””
Maša Miščević
Optima Telekom“We’ve been cooperating with Cerovski for years, especially on the complex projects that require creativity, technical knowledge and production excellence. What we appreciate the most is the readiness of the entire firm to produce things that no one in the world has ever worked on.”
Davor Bruketa
Bruketa & Žinić“It is a pleasure to work with Cerovski print boutique! They are fast, reliable and ready for all challenges. They are committed to research new techniques and they push the limits of printing, all with a smile on their face.”
Zrinka Jugec
Bruketa i Žinić“Cerovski print boutique is more than a printing house. With their visual identity they show ambition and desire to be champions on their field. Surely, they have achieved this during a very short time of their existence. Again and again they surprise us with personalised gifts that show their mission of clients always coming first.
In addition to the latest trends in printing industry, Cerovski print boutique offers the added value to its clients – it always meets tight deadlines and extinguishes the “fire” on the project with a lifesaving advice.”Evelina Vranić
Sandoz“Cerovski Print Boutique consists of competent people who, with their knowledge, experience, motivation and beautiful character, provide high-quality services of printing, punctuality and reliability. Always with good humour, they are ready to fulfil our every request and find the best solution. We recommend Cerovski Print Boutique to everyone in search of high quality and professionalism.”
Jelena Cevizović
InTech Open Access
2nd Prize Winner of the 2010 HP Indigo Digital Contest!
Project: RedPoint collected works
Agency: RedPoint
Client: RedPoint
Year: 2009.Marketing Collateral
2nd Place: Cerovski of Croatia for Večernji ListFPO 2012-13
Project: “Kultura pušenja: Od tabua do tabua”
Agency: Bruketa & Žinić
Client: Bruketa & Žinić
Year: 2012.FPO 2011-12
Project: “Mlinovi Hills” brochure
Agency: Nukleus
Client: Nukleus
Year: 2011.FPO 2012-13 – Best of show
Project: “U dobrim rukama”, Annual Report for Adris Group
Agency: Bruketa & Žinić
Client: Bruketa & Žinić
Year: 2012.FPO 2011-12
Project: Catalog “Indijanci”
Agency: ULALA
Client: ULALA
Year: 2011.SAPPI Printer of the year
Project: Presentational Brochure “Mlinovi Hills”
Agency: Nukleus
Client: Nukleus
Year: 2011.2012 Sappi European Printers of the Year – Bronze winners
http://www.sappi.comCROprint 2016: Hard binding
Project: Adris group: Annual report 2014
Agency: Bruketa&Žinić OM
Client: Adris Group
Year: 2014CROprint 2016: Notebooks
Project: Cerovski personalized notebooks “Your design, have fun” (2014/15.) & “Photography is forever” (2015/16.)
Client: Cerovski Print Boutique
Year: 2014 / 2015FPO 2012-13
Project: “We are growing”, Annual Report for Atlantic Group
Agency: Atlantic Group – Imago
Client: Atlantic Group – Imago
Year: 2013.ESKA FROG AWARD 2015 – Best book, worldwide
Projekt: “Veladrion Knjiga doživljaja”
Agencija: Imago reklamna agencija
Klijent: Imago reklamna agencija
Godina: 2015.CROprint 2016: Representable print product
Project: Veladrion Book of expiriences
Agency: Imago advertising agency
Client: Veladrion Resort
Year: 2015FPO 2011-12 – Best of show
Project: “Stvarno teška knjiga”, Annual Report for Adris Group
Agency: Bruketa & Žinić
Client: Bruketa & Žinić
Year: 2011.
If you have never sent us a Prepress file or you are not sure how to send it, dedicate us a few minutes and discover all the secrets of a good print prepress.
Download: Instructions